Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mission: Failed

Pooey in the pants today. No candy for anyone.....except me.

Stryder has recently moved out of the Stage of Terror, where danger lurks around every corner and a standing invitation for mischief resides in each room of the house, where a turned back for a moment undoubtedly yields a price to pay.

Very small toy parts could finally be left lying on the floor. Family games could be played without the board becoming overturned or the pieces ingested. The bathroom door could remain open as the toilet lost its allure as a waterwonderlandplayplace. I could focus on school work with the big kids and trust him to play alone nicely, for a while, with actual toys.

This relief lasted but a moment.

As much as I hate to admit this about my babydoll, Clover has moved into the position her brother just vacated. This morning alone, I have cleaned her hands from playing in the toilet 4! times. I rescued the bath toys out of the porcelain pool and removed a ginormous wad of wet paper. Dishes are eternally pulled out of the cupboards, books yanked off the shelves, clothes removed from their dresser drawers and strewn all over the bedrooms. She has even started to throw herself down on the ground when her way is denied and kick her feet.......AHHHHH! Am I ready for this again? I think I had just begun to breathe deeply.

Between Clover's new found affinity for messes and trouble, the potty training of a reluctant 2 year old boy, the incessant whining of his 4 year old brother, and the home educating of the older 2, I think my sanity is in jeopardy!

They call it the Terrible Twos, but in my opinion, one year olds have them beat. (Quick, mischievous, dirty, chubby, cute, little) Hands down.

Come Back To Me Sweet Dolly!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

agreed...ones are tougher.

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