Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


What do you get when you combine
1) A set of bunk beds along one wall
2) A high-loft bed on the other
3) A ceiling fan in the middle
All in a not-so-large room?
Oy boys. The ideas they come up with that involve swinging, hanging, and soaring. Not good, not good. Not safe, not safe. They now have a new light fixture in their room and I'd like to see them try to swing on that thing. Wait, I take that back.
Never fear, hot mommy picture still there on Ty's side to scare away nightmares.

The fan in Clover's room wasn't so great either, and the new light fixture came in a box with 2, so we (Bob) managed a quick little switcharoo there also.
And, when your excellent friends give you a free! computer for your kids so they can stop placing yours in daily jeopardy with their sticky fingers and propensity for destruction, you need to spend some money to buy a desk to put it on. Makes perfect sense.Then, while you're already at the store to purchase said desk, you might as well pick up a little (gigantic, huge, ginormous) something to house the children's toys because even those big, heavy-duty plastic, blue bins with the rope handles don't endure their playful wrath.
Note to Kids: The boxes, bins, crates are for storing items inside, not for dumping out the contents and standing upon, making trains out of, jumping into from the couch, dragging your siblings around, or ANYTHING ELSE THAT RENDERS THEM BROKEN AND NO LONGER USABLE.Let's see them try to break this bad boy. Wait, I take that back.
This thing is now sitting exactly where the tv used to be. No problemo. How about we just transport the tv to another location? The glare from the window was always bugging the kids anyway. Oh, no electric outlet in the exact spot Mrs. Rearrange Everything wants to put the tv? That's why she married an electrician! (Lineman, not electrician. Sorry Bobby. I know, I know, if you've told me once you've told me ten thousand times. "No lineman wants to be called an electrician.") Yes, yeah um huh. If you can drill a hole in the wall and rig up some wires and slap a plate on it to make an outlet, you're an electrician-type-sort-of-person-dude. Yipee! Those electricians linemen are great to have around the house.
Well, then there were the issues with the maps ripping apart, and falling off the walls. The ones that are necessary for homeschooling and for generally being a geographically literate human being. You know, those? The new ones that already have packing tape along the bottom quarter to seal up the damage caused by small, geographically illiterate people?How about if we (Bob) add some baseboard frame around them? That might look nice and give an extra bit of protection. Yes, yes it does.
Well, and while we're (Bob) at it, how about if we (you, Bob) take down those junk ceiling fans in the playroom that shake, rattle and roll making you feel like you're in a NY City subway when they're on? Oh really, at this point, why the heck not? I think these will be better.
And, then just for good measure, might as well hang some letters on the wall, to make the kids feel oh-so-special. Ahhh. I have absolutely no idea why Bob was in such a hurry to get back to work yesterday.....


Katy said...

That is too funny... these poor men don't know what they're getting into when they're born men. And can lift heavy objects and rearrange houses.

Holly said...

uh...that looks like one of my dream days ;-)!!! nice job!

dhuffer said...

Funny post . :)

Alicia said...

That was quite a honey-do list!! I am also sad for the boys now that they have lost their in-door jugle gym!

ctjeablack said...

You know how lucky you are to have a husband that can do all this!!!

Anonymous said...

Jenna tried to swing from her ceiling fan once also--The light still works, so we've never fixed it--she wants a new ceiling fan--yeah right? The problem was, I couldn't get mad, cuz I started laughing. Oh, to be a parent--and have to discipline! Clearly tough to do sometimes!

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