Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Sunday, June 01, 2008

It's a first.

A couple of decent photos of all the kids together.
Can I hear a hallelujah?

I did "blog" this weekend, yes I did.
Where was it you ask? Why, we did not see a post.
No you are not blind.
I did not publish. I believe I will move it to a word document. My new thing is journaling, in place of blogging.
Do you mean, Tisha, that all your deepest personal thoughts and opinions will no longer be online for anyone who has a computer (and a lot of time on their hands) to read?
Yes, that's right.
I know, it's amazing. I can keep my thoughts to least I think I can....I might be able to....we'll see how this goes....
I'm going to test out doing my "processing" elsewhere and coming here to blog, all shiny and processed.
Only come by here if you want to see some highly surface-y, shallow, factual kind of information. Like the weather report and stuff.
It's the new me. A lighter, sunnier, less transparent, version of me.
The me that does not divulge my 'private thoughts.'
I don't know how long I'll last....

I'll start off with this non-tantalizing tidbit:
We took the kids shopping today to spend some of their allowance money. They have been working very hard on their assigned responsibilities around the house and doing a fine job. They have saved quite a bit of money, and given some away too. They each receive 1/2 their age in allowance each week in exchange for their chores.
They were given $10 of their money and a lecture, I mean, talk on the way to the store about having a thankful attitude for the amount of money they do have to spend, not whining or crying about the toys they could not purchase, but considering what they could buy and making a selection in a timely manner. They did a terrific job. We were really pleased and they are enjoying their hard-earned toys very much.
As an added bonus, at both Costco and Schlotsky's our family received more kind, specific, and uplifting words from perfect strangers. We are truly grateful for the type of encouragement we have been given lately. I needed it more than I realized and it has helped me begin to knock the chip off my shoulder. I wanted to kiss those nice, nice strangers, but I didn't.
I will remember to take note to speak up to bless and edify those around me whenever I have opportunity. You never know how much those very words may be needed and cherished.
Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.


Holly said...

UMM...I don't know if I like the non-transparent blog - I was finding some sanity in the fact that I was not the only one who was insane....that made no sense, but still....please don't be gone long.

Courtney said...

yea, why aren't you processing WITH us? it makes us all feel more normal. i'm sure you have a very good reason...

Keana said...

I love the pics! Those are good enough to be Christmas cards!!!

Courtney said...

ps. AWESOME pics of your kids!!!! i KNOW how hard that must have been!

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