Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Goodwill is a very good thing....

and a fun place to shop.
2 (bring-your-own-reuseable) bags of kids clothes, 21 items to be exact, costing a mere $23 washed and hanging on the line. Plus, hardback copies of Peter Pan and Around the World in 80 Days, for $1 each to add to our family-friendly-novels reading list.
After a trip to Schlotsky's, this was our family adventure last night, leaving us plenty of leftover money to stop by Wal-Mart to purchase some diapers and baby wipes to give to another family, allowing us the opportunity to spread some goodwill. Love that.

Princess Clover and King Bobby.


Amy© said...

I, too, love Good Will! :)

Holly said...

uh...a little too much Amy ;-)...oh wait...yeah, me too!

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