Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Sunday, September 21, 2008


That is how I would describe my experience with the Jeubs.
That family knows a freedom that I have never before witnessed.
To me, they seem so, truly, free. It's really inspiring, and highly uncommon.
They are free from social pressures to comply, or please. They serve the Lord and do what they feel is right for their family. Period. Their standards are entirely different from most American families. They are fine with that. Free.

They trust God to meet their needs and to provide. The adults and children alike show great resourcefulness and creativity in making do with whatever they have available. The children are well behaved, polite and helpful, but not at all robotic.
They speak in their book Love in the House about proactively and gently preparing children for proper conduct in various settings. We've tried it with our kids and it really works well. Their loving parenting techniques yield a peacefulness and joy.

I expected their home to be much like ours, but it was actually quieter.
The kids came and went, inside and out. Paired off and played. It seems the good example set by the older children is helpful to the younger. We sat down at the table for lunch and not one single child complained about the food, even the salad on their plate. (In our house that would be called a miracle!) I was tempted to try and kidnap a couple of their oldest daughters to bring to our house, but I figured they might be missed :)

The party was fun and relaxed. Very relaxed. Kim and I enjoyed ourselves and our children had a blast.
I learned so much.
I am changed by the experience.
God was good to me to give me a desire of my heart called time with the Jeubs.
He has clearly blessed that family greatly.
Only the slightest tinge of envy washed over me when I learned they were expecting child number 15. ;-)
Our hearts are centered in Ethiopia where a couple of little Deutsch children currently reside. We'd better bring them home.


Kristi said...

Tisha, thank you so much for introducing me to the Jeub's! I wasn't aware that THEY were TLC's "Kid's by the Dozen" (everytime I caught it, it was already half over). Anyway, I'm already hooked on their site. Even though I don't have 15 kids, I can identify with them and feel at home - must be the small town girl in me (-: Again, thank you!

Unknown said...

Tisha, Thank you ever so much!

Our family was truly blessed by your servant heart. Thank you for your time to us.

The lamb is wonderful by the way.

Joy in the Lord,
Wendy J.

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