Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pro Choice.

I COMPLETELY agree with a woman's right to choose.....

to abstain from sexual activity or use birth control if she does not want to become pregnant.

It's really bothering me lately that abortion is commonly labeled Pro Choice.
Seriously, what about the choices that can be made a little earlier to avoid the whole issue?
How about a woman's right to choose to act thoughtfully and carefully and take responsibility for her own actions, even if it means giving her baby over to a willing/capable/loving/devoted couple who will provide a home for that little one?

Adoption is a beautiful, extremely honorable, noble CHOICE.

With all the political jargon swirling around, this terminology used to describe the legal ability to abort an unplanned baby is detestable to me. I cringe every time I hear it.
Unplanned does not mean unwanted. Just look online at the countless couples who want nothing more in this life than the chance welcome a child.

That's my view and I'm stickin to it!


Holly said...

as you should!

Katy said...

You're right. The choices need to be made BEFORE the pregnancy! Good point.

Amy© said...

I completely agree... with everything you just said! Well put!

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