Just how jacked up is American culture, anyway, when rushing to get some shopping done is more important than stopping to pick someone up off the floor and save their life? The herd mentality has taken over. Literally. All the advertising, commercial brainwashing, brand imprinting and the push to get people to own more stuff has led to this insane reality where people think that shopping is the key to happiness, and they're willing to do anything to get it. It should be noted here that even though the Wal-Mart shoppers stampeded over a human being, they did not stampede over their coveted consumer electronics or big-screen TVs. No merchandise in the store was harmed in the stampede, which just goes to show you: To the herd, the value of a human life is LESS than the value of consumer electronics.
Leaves me so sad and speechless......
Yeah, I started to blog about it but just... couldn't find the words. I like the way that article expressed what I was thinking so clearly. :(
It shows how sad things have become in this world..... It just sickens me! People have become so ruthless.... But you know at the same time I say that there are still MANY good people out there.
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