That's a phrase from Holly's blog. She lives in another state and is in town visiting family, so we met at Chick Fil A for a little blog-friend bonding. Her wonderful mom came along as well.
I took my camera with me.
Did we take one single picture? Um, no. We did not.
If you don't know how many children Holly has, check out her page. Do a little quick math to add up all the young kids we have between us, and you will see why snapping photos was not the highest priority.
Cleaning up the spilled milk was.
And, the multiple trips to the bathroom.
Of course, comforting the criers and searching for the roamers was on the list too.
Then, there was the ketchup packet dispensing duty and the baby nursing.
Oh, and the nose wiping and table cleaning.
Don't forget the locating of shoes after playing and making certain they wind up on the proper feet.
All that, and the obligatory answering of the questions that a ((celebrity-like)) mom of many always has the pleasure of replying to when in a public place.....Are they all yours? Are any of them twins (why, yes, Holly's 2 little ones that look EXACTLY alike happen to be twins!)
As we were leaving, Holly soothing crying girls, me carrying the baby, the coats, the diaper bag, instructing children to stay right with me, then standing in the middle of the parking lot to assist the one who spilled the tea he was holding for me all over his shirt....sans pictures to mark the occasion, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I remembered what I often forget as I trudge on through these fast paced, trying and tiring days.
Embrace the chaos.
Not tolerate it, embrace it.
It is temporary.
It is wonderfully chaotic, busy and full, hectic and loud, right now.
Don't wish it away. Our little ones are a gift.
There will be a time for meeting friends and dining on lunch at places with real, grown up food on real grown up plates with lingering, invigorating discussion about the affairs of this life.
I'm just guessing, but I'd bet some of our best conversations will involve reminiscing about our years that were once so chaotic, full of bustling commotion, wiping tears, belly laughs, itty bitty people standing in our way oblivious to the fact we are trying to walk through even after we say "excuse me please" a dozen times, small arms wrapped around our necks, ooey gooey kisses, toys scattered about the house, and the ever present stream of broken possessions.
How happy we will be if we can say we stepped back long enough to count each of our blessings and embrace the chaos they often bring.
Thank you Holly. I am very pleased to call you friend.
i'm crying. i don't know why. i guess because i SO "get" that. and i know it's true. but i had a very frustrating day and didn't "embrace the chaos" well. moving on...i'm not going to dwell on it either.
thanks for the reminder!
I don't have kids YET. but nice story :)
I could apply the "embrace the chaos" to so many parts of my life LOL. Mostly work at times... Anyway thanks for the post
oh my. I just got a chance to get on line and yours was the first blog I jumped onto...I just read your post out loud to all the family sitting here at the breakfast table and we are laughter, in tears...and we are nodding our heads in agreement.
What a crazy time that was. err....this IS.
I'll have to say my favorite time was the 'celebrity' attention that was deflected onto you for a brief moment and how lucky I feel to have you share it with me ;-) - I'm still laughing!
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