I just joined facebook very very late last night. (I know, I'm way behind the times. I don't have an iPod either.)
I stopped by the Water for Christmas group there and wow! There were almost 1200 members. I think my heart skipped a beat.
Look at what a few networking people can do to make a ginormous difference.
It's encouraging.
People do care. People are generous. People want to offer something of worth to others.
Water is refreshing the souls of many.
JOTSC have no clue what an iPod is, (really they don't, I asked them) but they know about wells being dug in Liberia. They are giving water for Christmas.
How cool is that? I love it.
Water for Christmas rocks.
SWEET! As soon as I remember how to correctly spell your last name, I am totally friending you! ;)
Yeah, I know...I'm a dork. And a bad speller.
Don't feel too bad I don't have an ipod either....... I get a little tired of how technology keeps changing. I mean I used to have a walk-man, why is that not still good enough? LOL Someone asked me the other day why I don't have XM sat. radio.... I said "what for regular radio is good enough geez."
Oh and I think you already know this but you have been friended on FB :)
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