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Friday, November 14, 2008

You gotta have faith (faith faith)

Recently, I had an interesting and somewhat unpleasant encounter with an individual. I wrote about it yesterday, and posted it briefly before coming to the conclusion it wasn't necessary, appropriate, or kind to blog my assessment of this particular person's conduct. :)

In conjunction with a popular internet movie Bobby and I saw not long ago, which promotes the concept of Christianity being a copy-cat religion with ancient Egyptian roots, this person stirred something in my mind. I was left with a restlessness that has prompted me to question my the specific basis for some of my beliefs, which caused me to begin to dig and search.
I knew there would be answers, and had bits and pieces of information, but wanted more of a solid, in depth Biblical foundation in a couple of certain areas: The origin of life, which is of course linked with "origin" of Christianity.
The goal: to be better equipped to refute the attacks on Christianity that are propagated, and teach our children with more depth and precision. I have always enjoyed listening to Biblical scholars speak on apologetics, but it has not been an area of much personal study for myself. That is changing ;-)

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.

So, I am delving into the deep stuff (that's a scientific term for the origin of life and Christianity.) What a riveting study it has been! I'm only scratching the surface thus far, and it's knocking my socks off (that is a scientific term for enlightening the eyes of my understanding.)

With regard to macro evolution, there is much new evidence, addressing the complexity of DNA, that modern science is exposing, pointing to the highly improbable reality that all of life evolved from a single celled organism.

This study is bringing me to a personal realization of an idea I have heard before and see more clearly now more than ever: You gotta have faith. Either way.
Not every step of the macro evolutionary process can be scientifically explained, leaving absolutely no question or stone unturned.
No matter which side an individual comes down on, whatever conclusion they draw, there are elements of faith required.
To say one view is purely scientific while the other is purely faith based is a misnomer.

Reading portions of a couple of books written by former atheist, turned Christian scientists, as well as looking at research from macro evolutionists, I am wondering how many people actually examine evidence from BOTH sides before drawing a personal conclusion. Because, wow, it would knock any one's socks off, (scientifically speaking) which ever way they choose to believe.

Purpose and value for the course of the entire existence of an individual hinge upon their core belief system, which obviously includes the origin of life.
This topic alone is hugely important. Eternally significant. Fascinating, to say the very least.
Adopting a biblical world view is not a brainless pursuit for the blind and ignorant. There are many amazingly intelligent theologians and scholars with enormous scientific knowledge. Imagine that!

I am a novice in these areas, but gaining insight everyday. It is fun to begin to inform myself better. I am awestruck in humble recognition of my God as I marvel at the awesomeness of His magnificent creation.


Deanna said...

If you're interested.. and haven't checked this out yet.. go to There is a lot of info on there.

dhuffer said...

Wow I wondered what that post was yesterday my "google reader" got part of it before you took it down I guess....

Faith is a big and amazing thing I wish I had the unshakable faith that some of my friends have.

It is a struggle for me --

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