Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Let's give Tinkerbell the night off.

He lost his first tooth this afternoon. Then, he lost the tooth he just lost. Then, he lost his composure over the *lost lost* tooth. So, he was crying (and crying) carrying on (and on) about needing the *lost lost* tooth to turn over in his sleep to the delicate winged creature that will flutter by tonight and drop him some {$$cha-ching$$} cash money in exchange for the precious tiny piece of *lost lost* enamel.
"I know what happened! Clover took the tooth away!" He convincingly announced, persuasively pointing his right index finger straight up in the air for added emphasis to increase believeablity. Um, boy, Clover has been peacefully napping away in mom's room through the entire *lost lost* tooth drama drama. Nice try son.
I gave him a dollar to ease his pain. (And mine. Because of the crying (and crying.)
There, there sweetie pie sugar cake jack o lantern boy. Now, we can all sleep well tonight. Including the tooth coveting little fairy lady.

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1 comment:

Beckysblog said...

We had the same thing happen in our house...lost the first lost tooth.

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