Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Monday, November 22, 2010

To The People:

1) The ones who invented validation of a foreign decree for internationally adopted children: You are my sworn enemy. Don't you know wading through that sea of paperwork is a NIGHTMARE! (Hello....(((adoption agency)))...tap tap tap....anyone there? Anyone? To help? No? You were through with us once we returned home? You'll give us the name of an attorney who will charge $250/hr? Oh, alright then. We'll get this on our own. No problem. It's the least we could do after we paid you 30 grand for your services. No, no. We're not upset. Not at all.)
I thank the good Lord above for a husband who is willing to read page after page of (nightmarish) legal jargon to determine EXACTLY WHAT MUST BE DONE, (while I sit back and eat bon bons, of course!) then fill out endless forms, and submit them to their required destinations before our (millionth) time sensitive background checks run out.
When it's all over, I'm putting away the bon bons to have a long awaited date with a couple of amazing friends: Jubilee and Gin.

2) The ones who decided flannel and plaid button up shirts are making a comeback: I love you. So much. It reminds me of the early 90's. Only then, we had to TUCK THEM IN. (And possibly add some ultra hip shoulder pads for extra flare. Sexy!) This current trend is much better, sans football paraphernalia. And, yes. I'm old.

3) The (sweetest ever! and smart too! with excellent eye sight!) teen aged girl working at the Dollar Tree who told me last night I couldn't possibly be older than 26: {Blush} I love you almost as much as the flannel folks. Maybe more. You are my new best friend. Wanna hang out later today? We could grab a cup of coffee....

4) My son Stryder: Has there ever been a boy with more joy than you? You are like a little jumping bean! Smiling all the time, bouncing around, making friends e.v.e.r.y.where we go. Watching you pick up your prizes at awanas is one of the highlights of my week. Heck - possibly even my life. You light up that room exuding happy happy happy like none other. I love you sweet boy. Almost as much as my  new best teen aged friend. Maybe more. Yes, I think much, much more.☺


Jaime & Kelly said...

YES YES YES!! The finalization of the adoption is TERRIBLE!! It has been a complete nightmare for us. We finally have a court date for November 30. I have no good words for what we have went through with it. I have said the same thing about our agency. Our social worker told us, "once you figure it out would you mind telling me so i can pass it along to other families."

Courtney said...

you are so funny! i need to hang out with you once a week...

Lindy said...

1. Can we ride on your coat tails?? Really--we have to complete the TRAILS background AGAIN??? Are you freakin' kidding me???

2. Agreed. Wholeheartedly. Flannel is SO in!! I am SO old!

3. The $ tree girl is right, you young, hip, happening thing. Run with that. :)

4. Oh, dear sweet smiling Stryder! It was a joy to hang out with him during church yesterday. LOVE his charm. I might even agree to an arranged marriage between our four-year-old if I didn't fear that she will quite possibly be 5 or 6 inches taller than him.... But oh, imagine the joy in their home!!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, friend. i am so sorry about the finalization nightmare! what is going on? ours was a BREEZE. we just showed up at court when our home study agency told us to, smiled for the camera, said, yep they are now our kids, and we were done! sounds like yours hasn't been so easy?

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, friend. i am so sorry about the finalization nightmare! what is going on? ours was a BREEZE. we just showed up at court when our home study agency told us to, smiled for the camera, said, yep they are now our kids, and we were done! sounds like yours hasn't been so easy?

Beckysblog said...

Id really like to hang out with you too.
I think it would do my heart good!

Tisha said...

Lindy, are you saying Stryder is SHORT? The nerve!!

Tisha said...

Courtney and Becky, me too! Me too. How I wish...

Tisha said...

Jaime, it should be illegal for adoption agencies to ABANDON you after you return home to a sea of confusing paperwork! You didn't use Bethany, did you? :)

Jaime & Kelly said...

Trish, We used FTIA but they go through Bethany. You are exactly right it should be illegal!! Our local court wouldn't even speak to me about it. They told me to contact an attorney. I spent the last 10 months trying to figure out what paperwork I had to file. Completed all the paperwork and by the grace of God found an attorney that would file it for me. (if not I would have had to pay an attorney $2500!!) I am very unhappy with my agency regarding any post adoption help (okay we have had no post adoption help). Sorry this really sounds negative but this subject rages me.

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