*Stryder began his typing and became tired of slowly pecking away so I helped him type what he had hand written on his paper.
My books
By Stryder Deutsch
Hello! I am Stryder Deutsch and I’d like to talk about books.
The first book I’m reading is called Star Wars Adventures. It is about three clone troopers going to save a family but the family thinks they are droids and shoots them so they go into the vault to steal the treasure.
Another story is about a droid who disconnects from the system and goes to live a life of his own. And another droid tells him to go back to fight but the droid doesn’t want to! The other droid pushes them off a cliff and the good droid survived the fall. He sat down by a tree and he broke down. Later some guys came and charged him and he helped them on a farm.
One other story is about Padme and her friend Naberrie go to a party looking for a guy who made the building and trying to get him in jail. He gets money from this guy and they have to get him into jail too. They find the first guy and he tells them how secure the building is and then he tells them about the roof and how it is the most secure place of all and when he goes up into the place that’s where he gets paid. Padme and Naberrie go follow them onto the roof and there were two stair cases. So they split up. Padme found the way that they went and distracted them go the money from him got the evidence that they needed and showed the senator the truth.
Well, I have 3 books to do in school. They are math, spelling and language arts. I used to have a writing book but I finished it. The stuff I do with all the kids are science, history, geography, and mom reads to us the Newberry Award books. She’s reading The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Frank. E. Weiler now. We have also read this year Ivy’s Ever After and When You Reach Me and The Giver and I forget the one before The Giver.
I’m reading Mr. Poppers Penguins for school. I already saw the movie.
That’s all the books I want to tell you about! Thank you for reading about reading!
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