Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Doing what is right....

regardless of what anyone else thinks about it. That is hard to do.
I recently read a quote on another blog "It is not our job to convict the world, but to live as a convicted person."
So true. Although, much easier said than done. Separating ourselves from others enough to do what we know we should do, no matter what other people are doing, or thinking about our decisions.
Often, people have ideas about our lives and how we should live them. The way they would do it if they were us. Sometimes they are far too free with sharing those views. The people-pleasing side of us wants to comply with those expectations to gain favor. The problem with that as I see it in my life, is that God's call for me, what He has for me to do, may not always coincide with what other people see as fitting, what they would want me to do.
The judgements of people are not easy to shoulder. We want people to love and like us. I sometimes find myself trying to explain, and explain, and explain, in an effort to get them to see. Don't you SEE? If I explain a little more, will you see then? Please, see. you can like me and approve of my life.
As we have shared news of babies coming, more babies than some people thought was best, I have felt 'out of favor' with some people, even some loved ones. "You're expecting again? Oh my." I will never forget hearing a congratulatory "yikes!"
As we consider homeschooling, a few acquaintances shake their heads and question that decision. "What about socialization?" "Do you really think you could properly educate each of those kids?"
As our hearts are pulled toward adoption, some disapprove. "Are you sure that's best when you already have 5 children?" "Why would you adopt internationally? How about those children that need help here?"
My heart's desire is to stand fast. Not in a rebellious way toward people, but in a humble way toward God. To cling to Him, to draw near to Him, to do my absolute best to answer whatever calling He places in my life, with meekness. To gain strength and comfort from Him first and foremost, without hardening myself to those who may judge us. To make Him my heart's beat and my reason for reason for reason for being, whoever He wants me to be. Doing whatever He wants me to do. To discern His will for my life. To be concerned about pleasing Him alone, knowing He is the one I will answer to. Being committed to doing what is right regardless of what anyone thinks about it, and doing it with assurance and grace. Maintaining a merciful attitude toward the critics, remembering that I daily need mercy too.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

wow. thanks for sharing. and i think you're right on. i love the desires God has placed on your heart...maybe because my heart screams similar things.

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