Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

About me.

I am...Tisha
I life to honor God.
I wish...all hungry children had food and parents who love them.
I hate...that I can't do more to ease suffering.
I miss...each of my children as babies.
I fear...something bad happening to any of our kids.
I feel...any number of varying emotions at any given time.
I hear....the white noise machines in the napping kids' rooms.
I smell...fresh air coming in the windows.
I crave...peace.
I search...God's will.
I wonder...who our next children will be and if they are alive yet.
I regret...the times I am not the mother I could/should be.
I love...God and my people.
I care...that so many people are living with less than enough.
I ache...for the children who are hurting.
I always...try to do better than I have done before.
I believe...God is good and His love endures forever.
I dance...with the kids, when things get tense in the house we turn on music and praise God.
I sing...badly, loudly, and way too often.
I cry...for many reasons.
I don’t always...behave the way I should.
I fight...against the devil.
I never...want to harden my heart.
I the Bible taught over the radio and computer.
I grow more merciful.
I am happy...that I know Bobby.
I liked this one.
Maybe you'll do it too?


Courtney said...

ooooo, that was good. i don't think i have enough brain cells to complete that. maybe a good challenge for myself...

Lisa Stucky said...

I tried to comment on this post a few days ago - as well as another, but somehow, it wouldn't let me. I liked this. I just might have to do this, but would actually need to find TIME to think through my answers. As you know, that's not always easy to come by.

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