Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Monday, July 07, 2008

Her dad is cool.

A couple of days ago, Jayla made Bob a necklace with a plastic tag that she wrote both their names on. He thanked her kindly and stored it away in his closet. Yesterday, we were going out to run some errands and she asked him if he could wear it. He said yes.

That guy wore his "Bob and Jayla" tag around all afternoon while our family went to Whole Foods, Target, and LaCasita. I could barely keep my composure every time I looked at him. We had some serious purchases to discuss, (organic cereal selections and a $5 t-shirt assortment for dad....a.k.a. Serious Purchases) and all I could do was smile. I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry. I felt like laughing because I was looking at a piece of plastic that said "Bob" tied with a ribbon around a grown man's neck and I wanted to cry because of how sweet it was of him to proudly display his daughter's handmade jewelry.
Seriously, Jayla's dad is completely cool.


Holly said...

yeah, that's like off the charts 'cool'.

Amy© said...

That's awesome. And I'm sure some other parents understood. I have gone out in public any number of times wearing macaroni jewelry. More precious than diamonds! ;)

Liz McCoy said...

bravo dad!!! that is the mark of a loving parent :)

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