Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Saturday, September 27, 2008

He stripped.

The shoes...the pants...the diaper was next on his list of clothing that could absolutely not be tolerated in his state of complete and utter distress brought on by the classroom drop-off production. That boy just would not leave his clothes on. Apparently, after giving himself over to screaming, crying, lying on the floor writhing around, and making fools of his parents who should have the faintest notion of how to deal with this type of behavior by now, he got rather warm. It only makes sense to one-by-one remove every article of clothing and show everyone your mad naked self.....riiiiight.

We had to step in and rescue his teachers and other 2 year olds from the streaker before he was ticketed for indecent exposure. The good news is the episode tired him out enough that he sat with us during the service and did pretty well.

It was good to be there. I was really missing it.

Tonight, I take some comfort mixed with a bit of real sadness in reminding myself of what I so often say during this time in our lives, tis only a season. This too shall pass.

My sweet Stryder, who is teaching me much about perseverance, patience, and that my abilities to control another human being are extremely limited, will only be a toddler a little longer.....

I love you baby boy.

You are exactly the kind of Stryder I need in my life.


Holly said...

oh my Stryder!!!

chrisnoelle said...

you know, I gave you the name Stryder to inspire you in knowing that he became a KING! :)There is hope, no doubt. That lil stinker.

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