Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Monday, April 12, 2010

I like it!

It doesn't much matter what anyone else thinks or says. If I find it humorous, clever, cute, hilarious, witty, sweet, sentimental, sad, touching, worthwhile, fun.... then I do.

I'm 35 now and that's old enough to know what I like and why I like it and I can like it whether other people like it or not. I have my own taste. It's fine if it's unique.

I love getting older. ☺ And yes, that made perfect sense. To me. Because I like it! Yes I do.
Dare I say it? I do believe we've finally found our stride. (Deep cleansing breath) It took a while to adjust. Definitely. More weeks than 'they' told me it would require. There was much to learn about the most basic parts of how we would function as we began walking the long and winding road toward blending together, forming unity. Lots of tiring, confusing work needed to be accomplished. Some heart surgery and soul searching took place. I imagine that will continue to be the case.

And yet, it seems I have grown accustomed to our new normal and can more readily predict what our days will look like and what may trigger negative emotion from any or all of us. There is a rhythm. A method ot the madness. A certain level of organization to the chaos.

Living life as a family of 9 is coming more naturally and feeling much less overwhelming. In fact, 7 children doesn't seem like that many anymore. I don't have to spend nearly as much time counting faces to see if they're all here! ☻

This is cause for joy and celebration in Deutschland.

God's goodness and providence is felt.

He is faithfully providing what we need.

My heart can not contain the gratitude.

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1 comment:

Holly said...

that sounded like a big deep breath 'out'!

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