Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Thursday, October 21, 2010

If it's made with real cream straight from Izzie the cow, why not shake some ice cream up for breakfast?
Cream, sugar, and vanilla. Pure deliciousness.
I think this picture sealed the deal. :) I snapped it of Cassie about 45 seconds into our initial meeting. Super cool of me! I love Cassie.
Fun, easy, relaxed, supportive friendships where you feel like you can say anything and the person will still genuinely love and respect you don't happen just every day with just anyone. But that's exactly the kind we instantly had. I wish this Colorado back drop was more common for her.
Out on a date with mom and dad. Guess where? Tricky, I know. :)
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Holly said...

oh man...I am missin' my thrift stores.
they just aren't the same here.


double :-(

Cassie said...

oh i wish...

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