Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 3 and Farewell Mojo

I happen to have oodles of yellow squash and green zucchini from the garden begging to be used up, somehow, some way. Every day. So, they accompanied our beans and rice last night. Along with some white onion. We skipped the devotion for day 3 as we had another matter that required our attention.
On Tuesdays 5 of our kids go to their homeschool program, then all 7 have martial arts classes (where they are learning Tang Soo do! Yeah!) in the early evening. Jayla, Clover and I leave the house at 2:30 to pick up the fab five at school, then we go to the library and usually run an errand or two before I take them to class. We don't get home until just after 6:00. Yesterday we noticed her doggie baby was acting kind of strange, not sleeping at all, pacing around the house all day. Last night when we returned home, her beloved Mojo was gone. He was peacefully lying on her bedroom floor, with no breath.
Sweet Mojo lived a nice full life for 12 human years. He was incontinent and handsomely sported a dapper diaper with finesse few canines could carry off. He was loved, that dog. Dressed like a baby, carried like one too, held and petted and caressed and coddled, he was a well cared for little man. 
We will all miss you buddy. We will miss the literal pitter patter of your small feet. We will miss witnessing your fierce love for your girl, Jayla. We will miss you jumping up on the couch, then walking over all our laps until you landed squarely in hers. We will miss your funny ways, your penchant for excessively happy tail wagging, and the way you turned yourself in circles when you barked. I will miss you watching me cook, with great big eyes, looking at every single move I made, just aching for a morsel to be dropped on the floor. Jayla will miss your head on her pillow at night, right next to her own. She will miss that most of all.
We pray you are where we fully believe all dogs go, living it up with a great big meaty bone, where arthritic hips are healed and teeth are strong and meadows are forever green and beds are beyond cozy. We are glad to have known and we are glad to have loved you, Mojo
R.I.P. sweet boy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no... so sorry to hear about the little guy. I hope Jayla is doing okay. Someone should really bake her a pie! Sweet things always make a girl feel better.


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