Family photo 2013

Family photo 2013

Monday, August 15, 2011

Plan B

Or is it C? Maybe D. G? Possibly Z. I can't even remember anymore...
Trying to determine what would best suit the education needs of our children this year has been hard. Really hard!

After struggling through the first few months following Meadow and Flint's arrival, it was last October that I first thought about the possibility of placing them in public school. Of course, this led to an onslaught of factors that must be considered. Would they mind going alone? Should we send all our school age kids? Will our local school meet their needs? What about the lack of diversity there? We decided at that time it would be best to keep them home, and throughout the remainder of the year I struggled with whether or not we made the right choice. Teaching them was taxing to me personally, and it was taking a toll on our relationship building process. Acting as their teacher while I was still learning to be their mother was difficult.

Bobby and I had many discussions this summer about the subject and by the end I had no reservation about sending M & F to school. So, we really played it up! Look at your new backpack and lunch box! School will be sooooooo fun! Are you excited?! As a result, the other kids started to feel very UNexcited about being home while M & F had the opportunity to experience all that bliss. Initially impressed with our local school, I thought perhaps it would be fun for them all to go, and for myself to have the chance to do all those things I never could before with my daytime hours while home with Clover and Stryder.

So we enrolled J, O and T.

Then, I cried Intuitively, or instinctively, by conviction or inspiration, just plain regret or whatever you want to call it, I knew instantly after turning in their paperwork I had made a poor decision. Their first day would be their last.

Although I felt silly for backpedaling so quickly, I was immediately thankful for the experience. If I had not gone all the way there, to the end of enrolling the kids, buying the school supplies, and sending them off, I would not have realized just how much our lives would change. I would not have gained the immense clarity I did from the situation. I would not have thought quite so much about all I have to lose.

I've never been one to label it a "calling." I don't personally believe one method of education is more "spiritual" than another. (Which is perfect since I have my feet planted in both worlds now!) But I do know this: Homeschooling is my passion. It is my joy. It is my pleasure and my honor and my love and my longing. There is nothing I would rather be doing with my time, my life, my talents and ability, with my heart. Being with my little ones, teaching them, learning from them, doing life together day in and day out through the hours that make up the years of our lives is the stuff happiness is made of.

Meadow and Flint will go to school. They will enjoy it and have a fabulous year. It will meet their needs.

The other kids will stay home and do various other supplemental programs and activities along with their homeschooling. Their needs will also be met.

As it should be.....

Thank you Lord for awakenings.

Finding "dinosaur" bones in our prairie grass.

Rather than tyrannosaurus Rex, the bones turned out to be Bessie the cow. ;-)

The girls ready for a tea party for a friend's birthday

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Carla said...

I'm glad you have found what is best for your family as a whole and that you have peace with it. When we finally made the same decision for our family is when balance came and bonding and attachment was able to go to the next level.

Courtney said...

awesome! so amazing how you let Him lead you...your kids are blessed!

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